Debut (Anime)
Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom
Appears in
Seiyū (Japanese)
* Haruhi Terada
Voice actor(s) (English)
* Cindy Robinson
22 (Deceased)
Land of the Moon
Three Wandering Ninja
* Many Flowers in One Bloom
* Five Senses Confusion Disorder
* Hiding Camouflage Technique
Karenbana was a kunoichi from the Land of the Moon and teammate of Ishidate and Kongou. She was hired by Shabadaba to kill its rightful heir and king Michiru Tsuki. She appears to be a child, but is actually twenty-two years old and gets very defensive when someone insults her due to age. It also appears that like her colleague and leader Ishidate, she wears a wig.
Her only known special ability is a genjutsu in which she surrounds and opponent with pink flower petals. Her own body appears to dissolve and she attacks while the opponent is disoriented by the illusion. Sakura Haruno effectively countered this attack by smashing a chandelier and listening to the sound of Karenbana's footsteps on the glass. Once she detects her location, Sakura hits her with a chakra infused punch smashing Karenbana into a wall and out cold. Her fate afterward is unknown.
Debut (Anime)
Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom
Appears in
Seiyū (Japanese)
* Haruhi Terada
Voice actor(s) (English)
* Cindy Robinson
22 (Deceased)
Land of the Moon
Three Wandering Ninja
* Many Flowers in One Bloom
* Five Senses Confusion Disorder
* Hiding Camouflage Technique
Karenbana was a kunoichi from the Land of the Moon and teammate of Ishidate and Kongou. She was hired by Shabadaba to kill its rightful heir and king Michiru Tsuki. She appears to be a child, but is actually twenty-two years old and gets very defensive when someone insults her due to age. It also appears that like her colleague and leader Ishidate, she wears a wig.
Her only known special ability is a genjutsu in which she surrounds and opponent with pink flower petals. Her own body appears to dissolve and she attacks while the opponent is disoriented by the illusion. Sakura Haruno effectively countered this attack by smashing a chandelier and listening to the sound of Karenbana's footsteps on the glass. Once she detects her location, Sakura hits her with a chakra infused punch smashing Karenbana into a wall and out cold. Her fate afterward is unknown.